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The secret of ginger: find out the of this root and stop hair loss

Ginger is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, and energizing effect on our organism 1; however, many people do not know that it is also an excellent hair remedy. If you are a lover of this tuberous root and you are used to having it at home, read on, and find out how you […]

Por Allan Brito
The secret of ginger: find out the of this root and stop hair loss
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Ginger is widely recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, and energizing effect on our organism 1; however, many people do not know that it is also an excellent hair remedy. If you are a lover of this tuberous root and you are used to having it at home, read on, and find out how you can use it to have strong, healthy, and hydrated hair.

By MiamiDiario Editorial Staff

Ginger’s benefits for your hair

The main advantage of ginger is that it allows us to attack several problems at once. In general, it has been observed that

  1. Combat hair loss
  2. Promotes better blood circulation
  3. Accelerates hair growth
  4. Relieves scalp irritation
  5. Nourishes and strengthens hair fiber
  6. Delays the appearance of gray hair
  7. Moisturize very dry hair
  8. Combats excess fat
  9. Helps control dandruff

Thanks to its natural properties, ginger can offer us all these benefits, strengthening our hair health and helping us see results faster than we imagine.

Several studies have proven that the use of ginger helps stop hair loss and even stimulates its appearance and growth because it produces a toning effect by increasing the blood supply of the scalp.

If there is not a good blood circulation, the hair stops growing and falls out, that is why the invigorating effect of ginger on the scalp -by causing an increase in blood irrigation- achieves a free flow in the hair follicle and with it a decrease in hair loss.

A study carried out in patients with alopecia areata by the University of Medical Sciences in Cuba showed that the use of ginger enhances the output and prevents hair loss since this root contains vitamin A and vitamin E necessary for hair growth and strengthening.

Also, an article published by Herbal Medicine says that ginger is useful for hair because it is rich in folic acid, vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, fatty acids, proteins, and amino acids.

How to apply ginger to the hair?

Some people recommend including ginger as part of the daily diet, as it not only helps with hair loss. Although for hair treatments, it is advisable to make a mask for the hair and apply it all over the root.

The only thing you’ll need is ginger root – if you want your hair to grow, you can combine it with oils such as castor oil or even aloe. Once peeled, you put the ginger in the blender, strain it and extract as much juice as possible.

Then, you apply it all over the scalp. When the roots are completely wet, you should massage them and let them rest for two hours.

When to worry about hair loss?

It is estimated that every day a person loses between 50 and 100 hairs. So, experts recommend not to be alarmed by the amount of hair you see on the brush, but by the thinning of the hair, itching, appearance of circular patches where the hair falls out, and irritation.

Dermatologist Mundo Ramon Grimalt recommends comparing current photographs with those of the previous year to check if there is a significant loss of hair since hair loss is not the same as suffering from alopecia areata. In the case of observing notable changes, it is advisable to go to an expert.

Source: El Imparcial

Translated by: Aleuzenev Nogales

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