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Learn about endangered dog breeds

As well as other animal and plant species, although it sounds hard to believe, some domestic animals, such as certain breeds of dogs, are also on the verge of disappearing. By MiamiDiario Editorial Staff Whether it is due to the low birth rate of the breed, the consequences of crossbreeding with other dogs, or the […]

Por Allan Brito
Learn about endangered dog breeds
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As well as other animal and plant species, although it sounds hard to believe, some domestic animals, such as certain breeds of dogs, are also on the verge of disappearing.

By MiamiDiario Editorial Staff

Whether it is due to the low birth rate of the breed, the consequences of crossbreeding with other dogs, or the simple effect of fashion, these animals are destined to become extinct if we do nothing to prevent it.

Here are some endangered dog breeds for you to get to know before it’s too late.


Norwegian Lundehund

 Hungarian Puli



Information by Mia FM  

Translated by: Aleuzenev Nogales

